
Hydroflux Epco has extensive experience in screening systems, including all aspects of plant design and construction of complete systems.

Fine Products

Spiral Screens

The HUBER Ro9 spiral Screen is one of the range of high quality German manufactured screens designed specifically for smaller sewage...

Rotary Drum Screens

The HUBER Rotary Drum Screen RoMesh® is part of the range of high quality German manufactured screens and has been...

Pump Station Screen

The Unique Pump Station Screen is part of the range of high quality German manufactured screens and has been designed specifically...

Inclined Drum Screens

The ROTAMAT® Inclined Drum  Screen Ro2 is part of a range of high quality German manufactured screens designed specifically to process wastewater...

Pre-MBR Screens

The HUBER RoMEM Screens is one of the range of high quality German manufactured screens that has been designed specifically...

Step Screen

HUBER’s subsidiary in Sweden, Hydropress AB, invented Step Screen® in the early 1980’s Since then over 100 HUBER Step Screens...